Jump into a Jumpsuit
This Versatile Piece is great for the Spring and Summer. Women’s High-Neck Draped Jumpsuit in White | Size XS Petite | Abercrombie & Fitch ***REPOST*** Vogue's fashion encyclopedia: The jumpsuit We may no longer be jumping from planes, working in munitions factories or channeling Elvis in our jumpsuits - but… www.vogue.fr Vogue’s fashion encyclopedia: The jumpsuit We may no longer be jumping from planes, working in munitions factories, or channeling Elvis in our jumpsuits — but there’s no doubt it is still one of our favorite fashion pieces. Here’s a look back at its history BY MAUDE BASS-KRUEGER. 17 janvier 2020 A jumpsuit is a slim-fitting, one-piece garment that covers the arms and legs. It was initially created in 1919 as a functional garment for parachutes to jump from planes. The boiler suit/overall/coverall is looser-fitting and more functional. Worn by men who maintained coal-fire burners, the male boiler suit was first adopted by female munitions workers durin...